Chat GPT and Generative AI Lecture
Location: DCDS Executive Office
Address: 13633 Omega Rd, Dallas, TX
Contact: Ashley
Email: ashley@dcds.org
Phone: 972-386-5741
The Retired Dentists Committee invites all DCDS members and their guests to join us for a Chat GPT and Generative AI Lecture with Kellye Kamp. Everyone is talking about AI, but very few actually understand what it is and what it can do. We'll briefly address the uncertainty around the rapidly-changing new technology of Artificial Intelligence and answer all the questions!
Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/chat-gpt-and-generative-ai-lecture-with-kellye-kamp-tickets-1215671800079.
Sponsored by: DCDS Retired Dentist Committee
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