The Necessary Art of the Ask
You ask for what you need in your relationships, and you should do the same for your dental career. When our patients are in pain or discomfort they ask for our help. I’m encouraging you to think about what’s important to you, and why, then go for it. We weren’t meant to succeed in this life independently. In fact, everything we do in life involves other people.
Amazing things can happen when you ask. I’ve made it my mission to finally start asking for help in the last year or so and it’s completely changed my life. I manage my time better, my tasks get completed more efficiently and I’m reaching my professional and personal goals faster. Through the very act of asking people, you connect with them. And when you connect with them, people want to help you.
How to ask:
- Nicely. Very, very nicely.
- Ask with clarity. Be direct and specific about what you want. Be clear about what the person will have to do to fulfill the request.
- Ask with confidence. Know what you want and know why it’s important to you.
- Always be thankful when someone says yes to help you. A hand-written thank-you note or a small gift if appropriate, is a great idea.
- Follow up and follow through. Most people don’t do this.
- Lastly, let go of the fear of hearing “no”. If your clear, reasonable, sincere, and respectful request was turned down, your artful ask will soon find the right person.
Perhaps you’re afraid to ask, like I was in the beginning. One thing is for certain—if you don’t ask, nothing will change. If those referrals don’t come in this month, that’s OK. Keep moving forward because it could happen next month. This process of shifting your mindset to what’s possible can create new opportunities in your professional career and all areas of your life.